Apache HTTP Server Version 2.2
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����: | Extension |
����: | speling_module |
�ҽ�����: | mod_speling.c |
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���丮�� ���캻 �Ŀ�,
����: | Limits the action of the speling module to case corrections |
����: | CheckCaseOnly on|off |
�⺻��: | CheckCaseOnly Off |
������: | �ּ�������, ����ȣ��Ʈ, directory, .htaccess |
Override �ɼ�: | Options |
����: | Extension |
���: | mod_speling |
The documentation for this directive has not been translated yet. Please have a look at the English version.
����: | ����� ����� ����Ѵ� |
����: | CheckSpelling on|off |
�⺻��: | CheckSpelling Off |
������: | �ּ�������, ����ȣ��Ʈ, directory, .htaccess |
Override �ɼ�: | Options |
����: | Extension |
���: | mod_speling |
����: | ����ġ 1.1�� CheckSpelling�� ������ �����Ͽ�����,
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CheckSpelling ���þ "�ּ���"�� "����ȣ��Ʈ"
�����ҿ����� ����� �� �־���. |
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